HYDROSEAL (Water Based, Semi-Matte)
Use: Interior/Exterior Sealer
BrandBold Brilliance Concrete HYDROSEAL is a water-based cross linking, pure acrylic polymer solution formulated to achieve both a protective and decorative finish. HYDROSEAL is a film-forming sealer, which protects and beautifies concrete with a clear gloss sheen. It is a low VOC, user friendly, U.V. resistant.
- Excellent Chemical Resistance
- Excellent Replacement for High VOC Lacquers, Acrylic and Varnishes
- Excellent Leveling and Flow Properties
- Fast Cure
Useful in:
- Commercial areas
- Classrooms
- Hospitals
- Doctor’s Offices
- Cafeterias
Bare Concrete
All visible oil, grease, sludge, and any other contaminants shall be removed prior to any abrasive surface preparation, acid etching and water washing. Surface shall be cured, dry and free from alkali stain and laitance. Blas-Trac is preferred for long term adhesion and non-slip surface. 2 coats are recommended.
Existing Coatings
Wash off any chalk, remove all visible grease, oil, dirt, or any other deleterious matter. Spot prime surfaces prior to full application coat. Warning! If you scrape, sand, or remove old paint, you may release lead dust. LEAD IS TOXIC. EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS. Wear a NIOSH approved respirator to control lead exposure. Clean up carefully with a HEPA vacuum and a wet mop. 2 coats are recommended.
Application Methods
- 2 coats are recommended.
- Brush —Use top quality bristle brush for best film properties.
- Roller — Lambswool or similar cover with phenolic core, 1⁄4 inch nap thickness.
- Spray — Commercial conventional air spray or airless spray equipment utilizing spray gun tip size between .013”- .015”. Adjust pressure for proper atomization.
- Environment — Apply between 50F – 100F and 5F above dew point.
- Safety — Surfaces subjected to water may become slippery if coated with Kemiko Stone Tone Sealer II. If you must seal these surfaces, keep the sealer film build-up to a minimum. In severe cases, a nonslip material such as fine glass beads, washed silica sand and other aggregates may be broadcast between coating applications.
- High Gloss
- Durable
- U. V. Resistant
- Non-Yellowing
Net Coverage:
200-350 SqFt. depending on porosity of concrete.
STEP 4 - BrandBold Brilliance Concrete HYDROSEAL Technical Data Sheet